Writing is Easy? If Yes, then this is for you.

For the First Time we a Hireing Writer. That does not matter you are in Beginner, Intermediate or Expert level. Any body from any level can participate here but the only things needed is you should belong from Navodayan family only. Now, here the question come to your mind-
  • Who can Participate?
  • What to Write?
Well this is a free writing platform  in where any Navodayan can write which may be blogs, poems, Inspiring story or may be Informative and so on, if they want they can also promote there there youtube channel video by copy-paste or embed form.
    Actually this platform is mostly suitable for the blogger, freelancer or copywiter. we will try our best to make your content easily available in the Internet. You can also say that we will help in creating backlink for your website, affiliate site and  to increase your watch hour in youtube videos.

This side can also be used for making Personal brand, or Promotion for your products and services which may be Physical or Digital.

Let me show you, how you can easily create personal Brand form Us?
Suppose you are capable to a think story, let say a romantic story, and you feel shy to share with your colleagues. In that case you can easily join blogger platform and share your romantic story with thusends of people without showing your face. The main reason of joining blogger paltfoarm is you can use it in any platform and from any part of the world, you just need a smartphone, table, or pc with Internet connection only. Naodayan Touch is also connected with the facebook page in where there is more than ten thousands of followers. I am 100% sure they will definetly support you.
Here will i post your url (may be in text form picture or video form) as r wish

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Smart Hussle
Smart Hussle